Hi everyone,
A very special branch of Children’s
University opened its doors for the first time in November 2015. What makes
this one special I hear you ask? Well, this Children’s University is in China!
Run by Mark Upton (who we owe thanks for providing the images and information featured in this post), CU China has opened
first of all in Ningbo, a large city a three-hour drive south of Shanghai. Their
first Passport To Learning holders
come from a bilingual school called HD Ningbo School. These children will soon be
reaching out to students in other less privileged schools, allowing the children
to enjoy joint visits to Learning
Destinations and shared learning opportunities.
There are already a number of schools in both Ningbo and Shanghai interested in setting up joint-learning video links with children in UK schools currently involved in Children's University. It is hoped that this will build upon a pilot video created by children in China and Coventry last year.
“So,” says Mark, “if you know of a
school keen to link up then please do get in touch and we can get going! These
exciting joint international CU video learning links are quite easy to arrange
- early morning at school in [the] UK is late afternoon here in China -
There is a real respect and love
of learning built into China's culture. As such, it's really exciting that we’re
now getting to see how Children's University can play its part in using this to
offer learning opportunities outside of the classroom. I’m sure you’ll agree,
there are exciting times ahead – who knows what 2016 may hold!
CU soon!